
photoespana 2012

Madrid (Spain). From June 6 to July 22, Madrid welcomes PHotoEspaña 2012, XV International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts. Every year brings together more than 600,000 people, transforming it into one of the most popular festivals in Europe. The thematic section, curated by Gerardo Mosquera, proposes an exhibition program which has as its theme, the concept: “From here. context and internationalization. “PHE12 aims to address, in general, cultural and artistic issues concerning the global circulation of art, and especially the relationship between contexts and internationalization and the interconnections between local and international spheres. Not to be missed for the latest news, projects, photos, videos and installations of the most important national and international designers.




Photoespagna 2012 host the exibition  “L’unico eri Tu” c/o  EFTI School in Madrid








some moments of vernissage










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